Thursday, October 4, 2007

OpenAjax Hub

A few weeks ago, we where working on a project, where we need to use more than one Javascript library, we need Rico( and, plus may be mootools, so they were not compatible and I couldn't find a solution for this, but tight now I found some sites, addressing the same problem, and better than that the solution, here it is:

So, go on check it, but let me just paste a brief here for you:
The OpenAjax Hub is a key technology component within the umbrella term OpenAjax Conformance. The OpenAjax Alliance recommends that Web developers and IT professionals demand OpenAjax Conformance as an industry requirement from its Ajax technology providers. By requiring OpenAjax Conformance, customers gain confidence in their technology and product choices and realize benefits in terms of the ability to integrate Ajax technologies from multiple suppliers, the ability to change suppliers at reduced costs, and increased certainty that their suppliers are adopting industry best practices. To be OpenAjax Conformant, among other requirements, Ajax runtime libraries must support the conformance criteria found within the OpenAjax Hub Specification.
hmmm, may be we have these standards in the future, I wish...
Any way project home is:
and the web site is:

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